Antonio Luciani : Location, location, Location ! (you didn't tell us where in NH You were )
Local Excavation Contractors will know the makeup of soils for several
townships surrounding their business. Call them up and tell them you want clean Fill -As they will have to pay a Trucker to haul it away, and probably a fee to
dump the 'spoil' from their job- if you are closer and free you will get as much Clay body as you want !
Visit the site and work up a sample- You want to be there to "accept delivery'' and get it dumped where you want, once its unloaded you cant hardly reject it !
Your local Highway departments Know exactly where they can expect a water-soaked hillside or road cut to slump after a storm,(its the clay that causes the slide)
-Exactly how much equipment and man power to cleanup the mess.
Try phoning or dropping in at Your Town, County and State Highway Departments in your area
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Please consider this my strong recommendation to go to to Download your PDF copy of Ianto Evans' Great Book
Rocket Mass Heaters
This will make sure that when you come back here we all are using the same words to describe the same parts and the Size shape and Orientation to each other
and the Whole
Rocket Mass Heater RMH
For the Good of the Crafts! Good luck and good hunting ! Big AL