Its been a while since I researched this but it is based on pressure differentials in the chamber, pressure and temp differentials at the bottom and top. The top high flow, low pressure and temp. Bottom inverse, that creates a tall burn, very clean, very efficient! Some smart guy that knew how carburetors/venturi worked probably invented it. The underlying principle is Bernoulli's. Surround it by mass would be nothing new. Since the heat is tall and fast at top there is probably a temp drop it would still make sense to extend the mass more vertically than horizontally. There are a number of inserts that can be set in mass.
IIRC, there is back sealed flapper to exterior air or you can design intake and exhaust. To get the design to work properly one must follow the engineering. The key is the size and shape of the convergant vertical exhaust up the flu. That is why an insert might be a better way to go since it s/b tested.
Feel free to correct me, again it's been a while.
I'm looking for a
wood burning stove unit if anyone seen one. My freezing temp HVAC loads are so low I'd overheat the place with mass
Paramount Natural Design-Build Architect, Engineering Services, GC, LLC.