I am involved in an Amateur Radio group. A few years ago, one of our former members who was an EMT, made up a dozen or so go bags with medical supplies, bottled
water, hard candy, granola bars, etc. for the group. The go bags were not maintained/rotated and were stored in an unoccupied building for four years with no heat/air conditioning and a
mouse infestation. Yesterday, I decided to salvage what I could out of the go kits. Of
course most of the granola bars were eaten by mice. Quite a few of the bottles of water had ruptured, either from mouse gnawing or too many freeze/thaw cycles. I tasted water from a bottle that survived, and it had a definite aftertaste of rye, so I doubt if it is potable anymore. A majority of the hard candy had melted, in many cases, mixing with leaked water to coat everything in the bag with a sticky pink sugary slime. So, I have several packs of adhesive bandages, gauze pads and surgical dressings that got slimed by the hard candy. They were in their original wrappings, and I rinsed off the slime as much as I could last night. Is there any way to tell if if they are still sterile and safe to use? There were also several plastic wrapped boxes of adhesive bandages that apparently have water infiltration, so I question their usability as well. There are tubes of triple antibiotic that was stored well outside it's recommended range of 68-77 degrees F. Would freezing cause problems? Can sunblock be frozen and survive? In fact I'm starting to question if anything in the go bags except for the bars of ivory
soap (that didn't get eaten by mice) is still good.