I just planted my fall peas and I was hoping to find a suitable companion plant to seed around it to help suppress leaves. soemthing that might be useful. I am considering a lettuce of some sort but I'm afraid that since they are both shallow rooted that the would compete. ideas?
About 15 years ago I read a massive pile of gardeningbooks and took some careful notes about companion planting, comparing the notes between several books. Unfortunately, I noted only the stuff that I was planting at the time, so it isn't terribly complete. Fortunately, it did include peas!
thanks! carrots would only make the weed situation more difficult but maybe radishes could help. Its prob. too late for corn and maybe beans. I guess I need to find a way to like radishes
I would suggest the radishes too. But, I , like you, don't really like radishes per se. That is, until I discovered the greens. They can be used just like beet greens, sauteed or steamed, and yes they lose the prickliness and yes they taste Awesome.
I also have friends who rave and rave about eating the seedpods. So far, I've never quite timed the harvest right and so they've been too woody for my liking. But if I got to them sooner...
The greens, and the possibility of eating the seedpods as an early veggie have boosted radishes way up in my annual garden list.