posted 13 years ago
I work on heavy clay and basically any green manure is good if you want to turn it under.
If you don't want to do any further soil work, yes, radish and buckwheat are good. I'd add sunflowers - they grow very well for me, while other things are so very slow.
The biggest thing for clay AFAIC, is patience. If you're starting with an unworked heavy clay it'll take ten years of cover cropping to have anything resembling tilth. If you want to churn it up with something like a rotary plow, it can happen in half that time. I'd rotary plow for 3 years and then let the roots take over. By rotary plow I don't mean rototill, btw. It's a vertical shaft 4 share plow that kicks the dirt out the side. It doesn't turn the soil over and doesn't chop up worms, yet it separates the roots from the soil and aerates it well.