I have been looking out at a feild of 90% ragweed, 7 acres of it to be more precise. It has gone to seed and its reign over the
land is coming to an end following the decline of its dominant life.
So the thought has occurred to me- why not just broadcast winter rye onto the field and see if it'll grow? So that's what i did! 200lbs an acre mixed with 150lbs(not an acre, total) of corn that slipped in at the elevator. My thought process was that the ragweed, again common not giant, would retain the moisture(good amount of rain recently) and the seeds would find their way to the bare dirt beneath and not be subject to the hungry birds, for the most part at least.
The corn will bring in the
deer along with their soil disturbance, ragweed stem breaking/bending and fertilizer.
What are your thoughts? Will the rye grow this fall and fulfil its cover crop purpose? What could have possibly been done better(or worse)? If anyone says "incorporating seed with the soil" or "not letting the ragweed go to seed" be ye smitten!!
Kidding, I'm a lover not a smiter- but seriously.
Cast your opinions now and I will be sure to follow up with the results.