I recently bought a large high pressure compressor at a junk
yard and lo and behold it came with the alternator that had been used to drive it. This was all set up as a mobile SCBA air fill station for a fire department and the alternator was PTO driven off the main engine to provide electric power to drive the two 20HP motors powering a pair of compressors.
So... It's an older unit - probably manufactured around 1980, but the Hobbs meter on the generator control panel reads 290 hours so it's presumably had very little usage. I can't test this thing or make any guarantees, but other than the bearings there's not much that's likely to go wrong. It's a 12-lead unit.
If you've got access to a big wind or hydro turbine to drive it, or maybe a 6-8 cylinder engine driven off
wood gas or something, this could provide tons of power.
New a unit like this lists at about $5000. I'd like to get $1750 for it but am open to offers. I will include the pair of control panels that came with it, though I have no idea how to use them.
Let me know if you're interested.
Oh, and it's in the SF Bay Area but could easily be delivered to the Lake Tahoe area if that's better. Also happy to put it on a pallet and meet up with a carrier of your arrangement. I have a forklift to load it.