karen denman

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since Jan 27, 2012
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Recent posts by karen denman

soooo…. with the poop beast pod cast… you spoke about human drugs in our poop (fish boobs, etc), then can the same be said for drugs being to animal manures…. horse manure… if the horse owners give them their horses???
peter have another thought….

i have no idea where you are located??

but…. the evergreen state college in olympia washington has an environmental studies program…… you might want to get a hold of them & see if some students might want to make it a project designing your home??? i have seen them planning downtown buildings in large cities that are environmentally friendly!!! just another perspective!!!
12 years ago

you may want to just buy a copy… (barnes & noble) it can be there in a couple of days & (my suggestion only) is NOT to lose the weeks you are waiting for the library book & you will want to keep & use it for reference on a constant basis…. just my opinion…..there is soooooo much info in it!! i am totally changing my 32 a ranch in the rogue valley to a food forest (getting older & don't like weeding…. now using weeds to indicate what my soil best supports without having to send soil into the extension service)

i am NOT trying to tell you what to do (currently listening to paul's call about forum ethics….. ) in my experience this is a book i will use and keep forever!!
12 years ago
sepp's book will also help!!!
12 years ago
does anyone know a way around some of these local water restrictions in southern oregon…. we have to have an 'ok' from the pope to put in a pond then is must be drained in the spring,,,,,, well w/ the wet winters here having a pond over winter & then (having really dry summers) having to drain it in the spring seems counter productive (& stupid)!!!
12 years ago
i dreamed a dream by susan boyle, in your eyes by peter gabriel & adam lambert performing brigadoon and finally anything michael jackson did…. he was a brilliant musician!!!
13 years ago
i was watching the video on adding evergreen boughs to the duff in the chicken coop to eliminate the odor…. the woman in the clip said she was using pine but it looked like fir branches…….. can i have a clarification??
13 years ago
that fellow on the PBS program the woodwright uses a bench like this!!! karen
13 years ago