Ben Cains

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since Jul 22, 2012
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Hey not sure if you have started on your garden yet?

Sheet mulching is wicked agreed.

Do you have a place where you can have chickens? They are a great way to prepare an area for planting. Geoff Lawton uses a mobile chicken coop with an electric fence to prepare the soil for food forests.

Here is a tour of the Permaculture Institute of Australia which shows him and his chickens benefitting from the system

Maybe not helpful in your situation?

Sheet mulching is easy to do in urban areas with all the materials being easy to come by and cheap/free.

Good luck
Have you seen greening the desert with Geoff Lawton?

There was a type of mushroom that was growing in the swale, it was making the salt inert and dispelling the salt away from the area?

Here is the link for the video:

Maybe try contact Geoff or the Permaculture Research Institute with a email to see if he knows which type it was?

Good luck
11 years ago