Jason LaVoy

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since Aug 06, 2012
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Kate Muller wrote:Anyone looking for stainless steal mesh you can get it from McMaster Carr.


I've looked there but it seemed expensive. Is it the cheapest option for stainless?
9 years ago
This is five year old post now, but I didn't see any following posts from people who used this design. Has anyone used this and had it work? If it's a working design I could see easily making these from old picture frames and hinging them to the fence so they would be out of the way when not in use. Use decorative tin ceiling tiles for the metal backing and they'd be quite attractive bits of yard decor. But all of that's a no go if they don't actually work.

I remember seeing that one but I haven't built one yet. I like it, but I have plans of my own design for an indoor/outdoor one. It can be put in front of a sliding glass door and also heats the house.
9 years ago
To those using or planning an open top hot water tank; what are you using to stop the water from growing bacteria?
9 years ago
Do they say what makes good screen for trays? I'm sourcing stainless screen right now and it's very expensive. :\
9 years ago
There's a permaculture singles forum?
9 years ago
Okay, allow me to re-literate.

This would be an EMERGENCY back-up generator, not full time. My cycle is water cooled, most back-up generators are air cooled, so I don't think overheating is an issue when running at idle, especially during Winter when this is most likely to be used.

This would NOT be hooked up to an alternator, but to an electric motor, and only if a back-up generator was needed. The cycle could be rolled onto a roller assembly that turns the generator flywheel, and rolled off again if needed for transportation. If you've seen a dynometer, then you know what I'm thinking about.

Seems to be a lot of naysayers here. BTW, If you think going to the store and buying another 2 stroke engine is the answer, then you might be on the wrong forum.
10 years ago
:O Kind of makes me want to watch Mark's DVD, "Restoration Agriculture in Practice" that's sitting on my desk for the past few months.
10 years ago

Steven Harris wrote:Jason, ... you want a dedicated heat sink for the 'cold' side of things. I would NEVER have the system based on the variable of the cold side of a thermosiphon system. I would want a dedicated heat sink for the cold side, that can be boiling water, yes, boiling water is the COLD side of a thermal electric heater, it'll never get above 212F, or I'd want a dedicated force air cooling system with fans and a heat sink.


That's what I was trying to describe. A hot water heating set-up that's a heatsink for the system.
10 years ago
Awesome! Yes, I get Paul's daily emails and I'll be keeping watch to see how this works out.

If I may contribute a suggestion. If they're also planning to include thermosiphon water heating, The place where the "cold" line feeds back in would be the place with the greatest temperature difference. I hope that makes sense.
10 years ago