You can purchase a urine-diverting composting toilet or make one.
Urine diverters are available for purchase (here's one I sell: I'll have more in soon).
And of course you can make them out of funnels, as I used to do in Mexico. After making these, you'll see the value of the manufactured diverters. However, a funnel can be just fine. Make the diverter with an auto parts store large funnel or with a cut bottle.
You can make a waterless urinal out of a bottle or funnel or purchase the oil-trap versions or the no-trap versions.
I install low-cost waterless urinals with no trap when then drain to a graywater system or gravel trench.
Urine is a great additive to a graywater system because it adds nitrogen to the carbony water that is graywater, creating a more complete diet for microbes and plants.
Much of this is shown in my book, Liquid Gold, and somewhat in my books, The Composting Toilet System Book and Reusing the Resource.