Well Ty I am not necessarily in the Boise area I am about 4 hours north of there but if I would love to get a dialog going from more idaho-ians for sure. It is nice to meet you. I am a permaculture newbie but have been practicing many gardening and sustainable living aspects since I was young. I work over in Seattle so during the growing season (May - Aug) and I spend the rest of the year at home. It makes it a challenge but my parents live over here and we are building a property together that will eventually be close to self sustaining. I have lived here on and off for 17 years with my two boys 10 & 2.
I am just beginning to build the property and only have 2 cats and a dozen chickens so far. I am definitely looking forward to adding cows and goats this next year. We live on 13 acres up in the mountains about 3200 elevation. Our growing season is pretty short and we are trying to figure out how we can get the warmer weather crops to succeed. It is a fun and exciting adventure. We are in the process of creating a pond and expanding our garden. And since I work most of the summer I am putting up a 30' x 100' greenhouse so I can play year round.
I love to wild harvest up here in the backwoods. We have an abundance of herbs that grow on our property and on surrounding land. I have about 60 fruit trees that I've healed in for the winter that will be ready to plant this next year. Hopefully the majority of our place will be up and going in the next 5 years. There is so much to do sometimes it gets overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. lol
I love that you found Paul from the rocket mass heater info. Are you planning to attend the Missoula workshop? I would love to hear about your solar power system you have set up. We at one time had a generator and batteries but we are now hooked up to the grid. I cannot wait to get back off and collect our own power. I do not feel we get enough sunshine during the winter to make it feasible to implement an all out solar power system. I do believe we should be able to harness enough wind though to provide for our needs and supplement it with solar power.
Great to finally meet someone from Idaho.