maje culture

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since Nov 09, 2012
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Recent posts by maje culture

Dates are absolutely amazing wrapped in a bacon slice and an almond as the filling. A few minutes in the oven and ready!
12 years ago
Good idea to chop a fresh banana into your muesli, supplies you with a medium enery release of carbohidrate to help you on your cycle ride and make sure you are not depleted of energy when you get to school.
12 years ago

I haven't experienced myself, but I have been studying this system and it sounds like a great alternative to save money, time and water (you save up to 75%). It is also an easily maintained system and easy to install. They recommend it specially for vegetables, herbs and flowers.
12 years ago
Lettuce is normally grown between slower growing plants (say broccoli). They require soil rich in humous and they love moisture. You should test your soil since lettuce may require lime added as a soil pH of 6.5 is just right (don't need to be too strict).
12 years ago
If you are growing organically, which I assume, any of this guides would be good for your purposes:

Good luck!
12 years ago
Amazing!! Sorry to insist on this, but I found some kind of "mushrooms" in one of my pots, and also in one of my beds, the last summer and I thought that was the end of the world (not that bad really, :0)), but now I understand I should be happy with those little things living with us? or is there any dangerous one that it should be removed?

12 years ago
I have tried before mixing 1 tbsp. of baking soda with 1 tbsp. of salt and 2 tbsp. of olive oil in a liter of water and apply the mixture to the plants with a spray bottle. It looks like it works, but mostly as prevention measure. You could add cinnamon to the mixture to strengthen.

12 years ago

the flowers must be dried and then crushed and mixed with water.

12 years ago

I am new in this forum, and also new in trying to build my "forest" at home, so just reading "everything about everything" to get enough knowledge and start at some point (well, I have done it already, I am just trying to make it survive, ). So my question is, what do exactly do the fungi in the bed? why are they so important?

Thank you very much and congratulations for this great forum!
12 years ago