Currently there are 15,656 people signed up to take the course from 98 countries, all 50 states and all the provinces of Canada! This is good news Right?
Greetings Intro to Permaculture class,
Enrollment will soon be closing and we are now at 15,656 students! Over 4,000 people have pinned themselves on the map, and there are currently pins in 98 different nations and territories. It is truly inspiring that you are all taking time out of your lives to learn about and discuss Permaculture.
I encourage you to go back to the map of pins now and browse around to see where your classmates are located. We’ve got people from all 50 US states, every Canadian province, and most nations in Europe, Asia, South America, Oceania, and many African countries. Permaculture is a viewpoint and design system that can help people everywhere, and the widespread interest in this class gives me hope for our future.
Hundreds of students have begun to turn in the first week’s assignments, and it’s been very fascinating to see your design sites and hear about your intentions for the course, as well as follow the conversations coming up on each climate-specific discussion thread. By the end of this week, you should be able to define Permaculture, and have a basic understanding of its ethics and design process.
We are going through the discussion boards to distill out major themes and topics to address in an announcement early next week. With over 15,000 people we cannot address every question, but we’ll do our best to pick out trends to speak to in the next announcement.
Thank you so much for participating, and I look forward to reading and viewing your contributions in the coming weeks.
May your gardens flourish,
Andrew Millison