Ajit Dias

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since Jan 19, 2013
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Aloha thank you for the responses. Good to hear some ideas from a food forest neighbor in Hawaiian Acres.

1. Yes, I am trying to be careful and not introduce any new invasive species into the area. No albeezia in the surrounding area. I saw a square site full of albeezia on Leilani Estate for sale, the trees were humongous and the soil was probably very fertile, but to fell and chip the tree would have cost a fortune, besides the adjuring property also was full of Albeezia.

2. The agriculture extension agent also suggested Gliricidia I was contemplating using it for a live fence, but definitely as of green manure as well, I was uncertain of the weediness, encouraging to hear your experience with Gliricidia. ,

3. Compared to some of the sparse lava property on Orchid land; this property is extremely verdant, I am determined to experiment with growing fertilizer and bio-mass. I am trying to avoid bringing in any external inputs. Cutting the strawberry guava and using mushrooms to speed up the decomposition is an excellent idea. I've read many good things about our fungi friends on soil fertility. "Mycelim Running" was an inspiration.

4. The tricky part and uncertainty is how to deal with the existing invasive species and avoid a never-ending maintenance nightmare. I am experimenting with a small area first and see what happens.

Kaiwiki Clay, I will contact you for recommendation on source of Gliricidia, mushrooms and other things. Thank you all for your generosity in sharing your knowledge.
12 years ago
Aloha Vidad,

I have heard multiple suggestions, dynamite, jackhammer, backhoe, rip with D9 bulldozer, plant in existing cracks, build mounds of soils etc. Backhoe with Jackhammer is the most appealing, since I do have some lovely native speices which I want to preserve.

As for the invasive species I am dealing with Stink Maile, which smothers the host, and strawberry guava, which is difficult to get rid of and grows everywhere. Some people use a wood chipper to shred the strawberry guava for biomass, something I am considering as well.

I am hoping to work with Mother Nature and create islands of growing spaces and help to nurture the fruit trees. Hopefully they can eventually over shadow the other guys.

I figured if the indigenous people of the world were able to grow food naturally for thousands of years us food forest people are not so crazy after all.
12 years ago
Dear Permies,

My goal is to slowly incorporate a poly-culture food forest for personal use on my property (2 acres) in Puna Hawaii without the use of fertilizer, pesticides or other external inputs, besides seeds and plants.

The elevation is 400-500 ft. There is plenty of rainfall, however there is little soil due to the lava that covers the ground. Even so the conditions are such that the property is a Jungle of invasive species.

My intention is to use a backhoe with hammer and loosen (for root growth) up 6x6 areas spaced 20-25 feet apart for the larger trees. Then scrape the soil and organic matter from the surrounding area on top of the planting area. Then plant the following green manure to build soil fertility. After that periodically chop and drop until the soil conditions are optimum.





This is very much an experimental project, just out of plain curiosity and desire to have my own organic fruits and nuts if successful. There is no time pressure, so I am open to spending several years building soil fertility before actually planting the trees.

I have little experiance with food forests, therefore I am soliciting advise from like minded people with experiance to increase my chances of success.

Your advise, suggestions and thoughts are gratefully appreciated. If you require more information please do not hesitate to ask.

12 years ago