Heidi Hoff wrote:Beautiful location, Elizabeth!
I'm an American transplant to eastern Quebec, trying to start permaculture plantings on rock. Glad to hear that I am not the only one facing these challenges. I think we are jointly putting to the test Mark Sheppard's claim that he can farm a rock! In fact, in one of his YouTube videos, he says that he is looking for an island in Lake Superior or somewhere to test his ideas on...!
Kota Dubois wrote:What a small world it is. I've been putting together a list of fruit trees from that guy. I especially like the old ones that he searched out in his area and selected for grafting. If you need nuts there is a guy near Jolliet who does basically the same thing only specializing in nut trees. His site is http://www.lafeuillee.com/index.htm (c'est uniquement en francais).
Lennoxville is closer to my land than Montreal is, maybe some time you're visiting your folks.....