Hello, our names are Rachel and Logan we are a family in immediate search of a home to live and practice our spirituality in a community, or sangha. We believe thus far that Buddha, god, gods, spirits, deities, and other names for the divine lye in nature. The practice of meditation is rich in our lives and we hope to find others who sit as well, alongside cultivating truth, wisdom, and peace in character. One of our many teachers has been Masanobu Fukuoka, whom inspired by the many teachings of the Buddha, arrived at a form of farming he characterized as natural. We believe his arrival is in tune with enlightenment and seek to cast seeds as the wind does. Masanobu's development of no-till farming, heals the earth by not damaging the soil, useing only local materials, sequesters carbon, preserves fungi, builds healthy ecosystems, increases biodiversity, restores natural diets, returns everything back to the soil, decreases human labor, eliminates mechanized labor, increases soil fertility, and creates food without the use of petro-chemicals. We have learned of the effect of the heavenly bodies, our connection with the four elements (earth,air,water,fire) , and the importance of a healthy body (earth). We are vegan, culinary practitioners, democratic and equality minded, wild/local foragers, kung fu artists, and students of nature. Our family consists currently of two dogs, a rabbit, and cat. As we enter a more healthy environment, so will they. We have taken in these animals as strays and sheltered them from our current society that would otherwise leave them to die in suffering. We still wish to aid them to the safety of nature.
Our hope in contacting the online permaculture community, is to find and combine sanghas to live in harmony. We see the suffering of our lives. We acknowledge the pain of our vehicles, our foreign food, and our market driven lives. Our needs are in front of us and our wants fading behind. We still have much to learn and much to teach. We asked to be accepted and grow together with Buddah (nature) in our hearts.
Any questions will be gladly answered. Any advice would be gladly taken. We are open hearted to change and are eager to collaborate with other open hearts.