So far we have had most of our Nanking Cherry trees survive, our root stock apple trees (grown from seed), Elder berries, haskaps (no problem here), Saskatoons, Caragana. Last summer we planted Seabuckthorns, Russian Olives, a couple more Elder Berries, Aronias and asparagus to name a few. Our ground cover/misc flowers consists of white clover, comfrey, alfalfa, phacelia (comes back from seed), malba, borage (comes back from seed), horseradish, german chamomile, rhubarb, sainfoin, mustard (annual), raspberries, strawberries, misc Alaskan seed packs... I have honey bees so I am trying to develop some perennial flower (drought hardy) gardens and get our power line and meadows more "flowered". I even have to work to get dandelions to catch. We initially had no lambs quarter or chickweed... We now have plenty of both though not yet a hindrance.
We don't have much to show yet for food but our haskaps and Saskatoons have finally started producing. Our annual garden produces well but due to our sandy soil requires a lot of water to keep going. This summer's project is to setup rain harvesting, some grey water recovery and more ground cover... I will probably add silt/clay to our soil.
The bush here is full of ligonberries, soapberries, bear berries, crow berries and wild mushrooms so we don't need to focus on these.