Dennis Barrow

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since Jan 19, 2014
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10 miles NW of Helena Montana
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Recent posts by Dennis Barrow

I am connected to the electric grid.
But I have a son and his family that ended up here during Covid and decided to stay.
I have let him build an off grid cabin they call home on my property.
He has solar with generator back up.  Wood heat.
He hauls water from my well and does all of their laundry at my place.  Also uses a bit of one of my freezers.

They went to Mexico for a couple weeks after Christmas and I went up to his cabin basically stayed there during the day.  Nice, quiet, got a lot of reading done.
Did spend nights in my own bed so when I got up in the am I could jump in the hot tub.  
1 day ago
Hunting camp each fall will see a variety of people joining our family.
We tell them to bring food items for stews, soups, lunch items and breakfast items.
My big cast iron pot will see a large variety of items in it for the stew and it will keep being added to over a few days.  Always good.  
3 days ago
I love board games.
My favorite one is where people put meat and cheese on a board,
maybe some fruit and crackers.
I'm so good at that one!
1 week ago
So I told my wife about this thread and asked if we had a package of split peas.  Was told in no uncertain terms that if I wanted to try spouting them to go buy my own !!  lol

Read down the thread and found Timothy Norton did it!  They sprouted !

Glad to see it worked.
2 weeks ago
I got so drunk last night I walked across the dance floor to get another drink and won the dance contest.
4 weeks ago
I woke up this morning determined to eat right, drink less, exercise more.
That was four hours ago, I was younger then and full of hope.
4 weeks ago
In Boy Scouts we would go camping by a small ravine, 100 feet across and a good 50 feet deep.
We worked on the pioneering merit badge one year.
Make a rope bridge to cross the ravine.  The catch?  We had to make all the rope on the spot.  
1 inch rope was the goal.  It worked.  We used 1/8 inch sisal to make the rope.
The 3 rope bridge was left up for future campouts.
It lasted 4 years until someone vandalized it.
Fun times.

I do agree that a cable bridge would be best.
4 weeks ago
A skeleton goes into a bar and orders a beer and a mop.
4 weeks ago
I asked myself if I was crazy.
We all decided..... no.
4 weeks ago
I finally did it.
I bought a pair of shoes with memory foam insoles.
No more forgetting why I walked into a room now.
1 month ago