chris neglia

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since Jan 29, 2014
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I am a web/software developer with a new toy- a canon D60. I'm trying to get experience as a photographer and I would love to take pictures of your ecovillage in or within 200 miles of Asheville, NC. Invite me please to your ecovillage to take pictures that you can use on your website. I just need attribution and the ability to use to promote myself as photographer. Invite me!

<points to hand in the air> This guy! Right here!

Thank you!

11 years ago
Found an interesting article on using metatron's cube / sacred geometry for optimal pattern planting in companion gardening.

11 years ago
I am new to permaculture, hugelkultur, companion planting and gardening in general. I guess you could say I'm intellectually lazy because I'm finding it difficult to come up with strategies of which plants go where based on a compatibility / friend-foe chart, not to mention all the other things I didn't know when I looked at the chart such as the use of nasturdium and marigold to ward off pests.

This is why I find a very clear strategy like Three Sisters invaluable. It's a recipe: stay confined within the recipe until you learn this stuff cold or are more comfortable to venture out--that's my strategy.

Is there a list of other approaches similar to THree Sisters?

I'm looking specifically for strategies that use hugelkultur, mushrooms, grains, orchards (fruit/nut), medicinal herbs, green manuring and forest gardens; where every player is a highly functional, beneficial input.

Thanks in advance for your help!
11 years ago