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Nathan Breese

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since Feb 15, 2014
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Recent posts by Nathan Breese

I've learnt a few things working on apple orchards about storing. Carrots will turn the fruit bitter. I don't remember exactly why but, pears were stored in a separate container from the apples, think it had something to do with one accelerating the ripening of the other.
7 years ago
Hello! I am currently in Guelph On visiting my family looking to head out into the world in search of, stuff. I typically travel by thumb or bicycle from little town surround by forests to other little town surrounded by forests funded by doing my time in agricultural labour, typically orchards. The idea is to take the 7 east, maybe somewhere else in search of leeks and other fine spring delicacies I have yet to learn about as I have been living west of the Rockies for the last while and, maybe some orchards to labour away thinning apples.

So, if you would like some helping hands and live near forests let me know.
10 years ago