Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Shalonne Halstead

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since Aug 24, 2014
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Thank you! This information is very helpful. So, if I understand correctly, I don't have to really worry about getting sick from food grown in material that's not 100% composted into "black gold?" We have a chicken coop and use the deep pile litter method so there's shavings and chicken poop in there going down several inches. The stuff on the bottom is around a year old but the stuff on top is fresh. I wondered if I could just add it directly into the garden without worrying about how old the stuff on top is? We also have the same type of situation in our goat shed. We have so much poop here!
10 years ago
Hi - I wanted to start composting in place instead of using compost bins. I was searching through the forum posts and it seems like that's possible, but I'm a beginner to permaculture / gardener so some of what I found was over my head. We have chickens, goats, and rabbits and a lot of kitchen waste generated by two kids whose eyes are constantly bigger than their stomachs. Do I just throw all that stuff in a garden bed? Or is it more complicated than that? Do I need to wait a certain amount of time before I can start growing food in that garden bed? Is there anything I can't throw in? Thanks!
10 years ago