Wow! Thanks so much for your response. This will help get us on the right path quickly.
Currently, we sell our sugarcane juice at farmer's markets locally. We have a lot of orders for it from retail stores, and we are ramping up our production to meet these orders. We have a pasteurized product that is very good tasting. Hopefully we will be on store shelves in october.
If you would like a sample bottle or two, just let me know and I will send you one. Gratis! For all your help.
That goes for anyone else who reads this post. We want to get the word out to folks who are familiar with cane.
The toughest problem we are having now is finding a high-speed peeler. The cane juice taste much better if the cane is peeled before squeezing. We have purchased a couple of peelers so far, but they have not been very good.
Here's a toast to cane juice!!