Beatrice Pax

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since Oct 09, 2014
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A long strange road:law enforcement 12 yrs; watershed management 20 yrs; nursery/farm 14 yrs;full-time grown-up job for stable income and benefits; solo owner/operator moving toward permaculture center in this former ocean bottom. Looking for kindred souls.
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Small native nursery, farm-raised beef, ducks and geese. 40 years of serving the public with as little harm as possible and as much justice as coyote can provide...without losing the job that supports this life...for now. 63 but no idea what that means. No baggage; lots of good, creative work; must love permaculture life, jazz / world music, vintage movies, irony, Tarantino, NPR, working hard and sometimes sitting quietly in the world. Kindred souls welcome. No drama, no drugs. A somewhat singular life.
8 years ago
Hi Charlie: Yes, I applied through a special program between our irrigation district and the local NRCS office. I had a sprinkler irrigation system installed on my 18 acres. The paperwork is all the same, but the implementation, onsite inspections and contract management are different from one place to another...depends a lot on the local personnel. My contract was for ten years which was up last year and I went back to some limited flood irrigation for pasture restoration. You might want to meet a few other folks who are under an EQIP contract in your area to get a better idea. Here it was very easy and the bank loved giving me an equity loan for my portion of the match. The project immediately increased the equity here. Good luck!
10 years ago
Hi Danielle, I have an 18 acre farm and plant nursery just west of Casper. Lived here a little over 14 years. I do permaculture / intentional landscape design, growing most of the plant stock right here. And yes, we are considered a part of the Rockies, but elevation and soils really determine what works and those can change in a matter of linear feet. The majority of my design work is in windbreaks and hedgerows so that folks can then create food / flower gardens in the protected areas. Where are you? I know of a couple of other permies here who I met taking courses online. Right now it's 3 degrees below over here; with a slight breeze the windchill is bad. Cows have moved into the loafing shed for the night, poor babies. Stay warm and let me know what you are up to .
10 years ago