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heather Long

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since Jan 02, 2015
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Texas Hill Country Zone 8a : 10 to 15 (F)
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Recent posts by heather Long

We are going to be butchering out a few animals, and I'm thinking about using blood in place of blood meal. Can this be done?
6 years ago
Mint gone wild. I hand out, I put in smoothies, make refreshing mint water, mint rice, etc, etc, etc.
7 years ago
I am sorry to hear that, I have not been on here. I also am greatly encouraged by your input and work, this is not an easy place to grow anything, except rocks, I can grow some rock. I will praying for your husband. I am fairly near by, in a Texas kinda of way, if you need help, please holler.
7 years ago
I have seen seeds on Amazon, eBay, and saplings for sale.
7 years ago
I planted one last fall. It made it through one very brief cold front (10f) for a night, and a few days 25ish. Its currently leafing out. So I have yet to have blooms.
7 years ago
Until mesquite, and peacan start leafing out, I wouldn't start planting anything that can tolerate a heavy frost.
7 years ago
I have been hesitant on the luffas, is it planted in heavy shade?
Thanks for reminder, I just sent out the men to cover my zucchini, and eggplant.
8 years ago
Fire ant are an issue underground.

Could you baby a buck and few does through the summer, and then as soon as the first cold front, ramp up breeding, then breed all winter long,  stock freezer come late spring.
We raised show rabbits, and we were a part of central Texas breeding a few years ago. Other than those with a/c barns,  most lost of their stock in summer.
8 years ago
Stupid question. For the last few months I have been pulling my weeds and dropping. After further pondering, do I need to cut the plant and then drop it, verse yanking the whole things out?
8 years ago