Wilson Allen

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since Jan 24, 2015
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Hello! Just got out of the military . I stumbled onto this site trying to get ideas on how to make more food for my wife and four kids. My wife and I juice. It is doing incredible things for us, but it's expensive and I want organic. This site made me realize we are made to be caretakers of this amazing planet, using our ingenuity to enhance and live WITH the land. This realization has baptized me. The problem is I am now going nuts. I want to work on it now. I have a new home on top of half an acre of lawn and it's driving me insane on where to start. I know I can make an amazing garden, just need help in design. I would go to school in a heartbeat, but my GI BILL I gave to my wife. I would get all the DVDs / books I could, but I just got a job and have had no income surplus. Is there something I could do now to sedate this earth spirit that has enlighten my soul!? I not a tree hugging hippy but, I could be considered a fern licker. This feels right. It feels what I was always supposed to do. Just live. In PA now it's snowing. Not very many permaculture people around here. I would like to talk to others with with same passion I have. Hope this is the right place. Thanks for your time. Oh! Mr. Wheaton, my wife makes a killer Lemon meringue pie. Lol
10 years ago