Harry A. Bott

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since Jan 29, 2015
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I wasn't thinking about using a pressure vessel to store heat as I am very familiar with the explosive potential of steam.

My idea was to use a layer of two of cob to insulate the heat exchanger tubes and act as a heat sink of sorts, then a waterproof membrane barrier then water. The temperature of the water will be considerably lower than boiling point, and would allow a much denser mass of storage.

Anyone done anything like this?

10 years ago
I am pretty new to rocket mass heater and heating and am looking for ways to increase efficiency while cutting costs.

Has anyone experimented with using kittylitter, bentonite clay, to insulate the heat riser in the drum?

Also I was wondering about water storage of heat to improve efficiency, anyone out there done anything like that?

Thank You in advance
10 years ago