Michael Blend

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since Oct 20, 2015
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Recent posts by Michael Blend

We are hosting a workshop in Kalispell, Montana for building a solar earthbag, bermed greenhouse with a climate battery and aquaponic raft growing system.
The project will start on July 1st. This will be an opportunity for participants to learn a great deal about: earthbag building, building a climate battery in the floor, earth berming, rainwater harvesting, aquaponics, and rocketmass heater construction. This workshop is FREE! AND we will feed you delicious whole-food plant-based lunches on Friday, Saturday and Mondays. This is a long work schedule so I anticipate people joining in as they can and working on the aspects they are most interested in. We are in the West Valley area NW of Kalispell. Please contact me for address and directions - Michael
8 years ago
I never got your PM - I sent you one to just now - but don't know if its reliable. if you email me at michaelblend09@gmail.com I will send you the plat, details and pics. Thanks, Michael
9 years ago

I have 2 parcels in West Kalispell. One is approx 2.13 acres and is R-1 in Flathead County - Ashley Creek frontage. The other adjoining parcel is .62 acre, zoned R-4 in City of Kalispell. Together this could make a good homestead/farm. We used to rent as pasture for horses. Not currently used but I would love to see it productive. Lots of creek frontage. Great permaculture site. Because much is in the county, animals would be allowed. The lot zoned R-4 allows 2 attached houses, could be a duplex or townhouses (townhouses allow separate ownership of each side). Pretty flat so could put up greenhouses, tunnels etc. Good for orchard, berries, produce stand on street etc. No buildings yet - but that means you could build what you want, solar, net zero?? I know its smaller than you wanted, let me know if you want more info. I am retired builder. Love permaculture. it is the solution to so many issues.

9 years ago