Suzanne Cornell wrote:I have a coffee ground question. I spilled coffee grounds on the way to the compost pile, and the next day the pile of coffee was covered with honey bees. Is it the nitrogen they are after? Why would they love coffee grounds?
In addition to the moisture and minerals suggested earlier in this thread, honey bees will be looking for protein to raise brood. When natural pollen sources are out of season, they can be seen raiding hulled corn (and other grains) for the dust on it. Commercial pollen substitute will contain fine ground grains.
In the early spring, put a handful of corn meal in a place protected from the rain and you will likely attract honey bees to it. At that time of the year they will be very serious about collecting pollen for the protein for brood rearing. It is fun to watch the honey bees, even if you don't want to work with them. Another trick to watch honey bees is to put out 1-1 sugar syrup: a cup of white cane sugar and a cup of hot water, stir until dissolved, let cool, and put out on a plate to keep the liquid shallow enough to not drown bees.