Yancy Flora

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since Mar 17, 2018
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Recent posts by Yancy Flora

If you plan to have baby trees, Saplings, you do NOT want goats. I have both- goats and raise trees, but I'm literally insane. Goats have a superpower- fence teleportation. Until you decide to absorb the cost and install 4' wood picket fences, your goats will be Ozzy and "see you on the other side". But are they worth it? I would have to say no, but I still have mine for those few rare aaawww moments and because I'm an evil person and deserve to be punished.
10 months ago

Ashe Higgs wrote:What is the exact location of these swales? I want to go check them out.

Did you find them?
32.2200530, -111.2106880
6 years ago