Glen Kagain

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since Nov 24, 2016
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Recent posts by Glen Kagain

Thanks so much to everyone for giving me so much support and advice! I should've posted here 5 years ago when I first found the site.
It looks like I'll continue with web programming for now because I actually enjoy it and I'm almost employable, but I'll also get some other certificates and learn the security side of the trade so I can eventually  become a consultant.  I'll also keep Electrician open as an option and I'll have a look at Ramseys' books on debt payment.

For the record, I've personally never cared about living near a big city, but I like to have a  huge cushion when i spend a lot of money in case something goes wrong.  I'll keep my eyes out for anyone looking to integrate back into urban society and see about acquiring their property if the price is right.
7 years ago