Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Hassan Pedersen

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since Feb 14, 2017
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Recent posts by Hassan Pedersen

Some information to consider, thank you very much
7 years ago
We have a small homestead in the mountains of Jawa Island Indonesia and we have tried growing potatoes without much success so far I have narrowed it down to 3 problems 1. Not enough sun(I fixed that) 2.Using determinate potatoes in a barrel setup(Looking for other types) 3. Fertilizer, well we tried just mixing some normal soil with cocopeat and goat poo but it is still not giving good results.
So my question is this:

How do I make the best fertilizer from what we can find on our homestead and how to apply it best?
We have goat poo, rabbit poo, ashes from wood stove, human pee, coco peat, rice husks. We do have some worm castings on top of our grow beds that we usually collect to make a general liquid fertilizer.

7 years ago
It does not eat any other plants from what I have noticed so far. I will read the article from the link.
Hi there,

I am new to this forums and kinda new to homesteading(3 years). I have these black beetles that comes back every time I plant a potato crop. We tried to collect a bunch and give to the chickens but they don't want them. Anyone know the name of these things and also do you have some suggestions about what to do i.e. companion plants that might keep them away or maybe some other way? Thanks in advance
I google black beetles and potatoes and got 5 different kinds but not a single photo looks like this one I find here.