Hi all
just getting started with thinking how a RMH might work in my design so apologies if questions are very basic
1) what is the difference between a rocket mass heater and rocket mass stove
2) Can you design a RMH so it cooks food as well as heating?
3) can you design one that heats water ( I read it can be dangerous as a pressurised system), if so, is it a case of finding alternate way to heat water?
4) The area I am heating is relatively small and well insulated (35 sq metres)- would a small modern stove work nearly as well? ( as easy to purchase off the shelf with a water heater)
5) Also, in a separate refurb in an urban area are RMH recommended (or are there planning issues? has anyone retrofitted a rmh into an old semi-detached house? ( there is no fire place). Does the final exhaust have to always go through the roof or can it go via outside wall?
Apologies for all the questions - all tips gratefully received
John and Grainne