Julie Wolf

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since Mar 10, 2018
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I am constantly recreating myself, so lets see what I say here on the fly. Interested in all things spiritual and healing, I love nature. I live on my 10 acre forest in a small lake community and am looking for a way to grow food in the sun (see my clearcut garden post). Lifetime vegetarian, meditator and Taichi "dancer". I also love organizing people and things and love to be of service to others loving themselves and others and bringing their own dreams and creations into the world. I have always been aware and feeling of the great contrast between what we have done here on earth and the beautiful loving possibilities we can create here.
Anything is possible! and I see-feel such hope! Born in 1957, I see much of my own dreams coming into being in the world. I still do not know my part and am waiting to know it more clearly.
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Recent posts by Julie Wolf

Thekla McDaniels wrote:Use new cat litter
Interim use of the sand was by cats.  The luxury of a litter box, but outside.  For years he could smell the cat odors coming out of the brick work!

Oh no! funny but not if your smelling old cat pee!
2 weeks ago
Cat litter is an interesting idea. Did it smell though?
2 weeks ago
Thanks for including mention of likes on "my posts", probably not mine but posts I am following maybe.
Nice feature!
Nice! I suggest you move "A ROCKET MASS HEATER IS..." bullets up to below the two top graphics.
and put the "How does it work?" in a prettier format, maybe a box like everything else?

Stephanie Naftal wrote:My friend in the UK swears by nematodes for slugs. She says she finally had a slug free season. I am in the boat of trying to find some in the US - the one company I found said, nematodes don’t kill slugs. Weird.

When I did research a few years ago, I found that this Nemotode slug solution was only available in the UK not the US. For a while I made the homemade slugoo and tried yeast,sugar,flour traps. but I finally just ended up using Slugo type products with the non toxic just iron ingredients. Used in spring and fall is prevents new populations and leads to less slugs.
8 months ago

Lori Haga wrote:I have been reading and researching using Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita nematode to get rid of slugs. I’m not seeing anything new in 2 years.  Is there any new information on where I can buy this species of nematode in the USA?

I asked the same question years go...
I too was excited at the nematode slug solution, but recall that it is not sold in the USA (YouTube videos from England as I recall). But that was years ago. Not sure if this has changed.  I still collect slugs in a closed container then rinse the goo into my garden for fertilizer. However, I am having good luck just putting out Slugo (or similar iron product) in spring and fall, and have pretty good luck now ridding my garden of them. I Look under pots and boards every once in awhile and find a few small ones (Into the handy yogurt container they go). I saw a small snake in my garden with a slug in his mouth which was good to see.
1 year ago

cheap pizza made in a rocket oven or coffee boiled

Whats it cost using a earthen oven and sourdough?
2 years ago
How long does making pizza for 30 people take in an earthen oven?
What a great laugh I had. thank you Nicole! What a wit what a mom what a great human you are.  Like the snowman I bow to you in gratitude!
2 years ago