David Boggs

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since Jul 13, 2018
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Recent posts by David Boggs

According to grow zones I kind of squeak by.... thing grows like a weed..  Just need to keep the rhizome from freezing in bad winters ....  All I have read so far... lots of water ..and mulch...time will tell.
6 years ago
It's a fruit and they call it a tree.
I grew a dwarf Cavendish from seed....
In Beaumont Ca.
Question.... what tricks to get it to flower?
6 years ago
I use a android app called  Pl@ntNet . Take a picture then it ask if it's a leaf flower or stem.....have identified most the weeds on my property ... most are edible...or have medicinal uses of some sort.... . Like the last find.. sticky Willie or clingers........
Get name ,verify 3 or 4 ways...then ask google... uses for or nutritional properties....Mostly just ends up being rabbit food😁
6 years ago