Erica Cawood

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since Jul 29, 2018
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Recent posts by Erica Cawood

My crested duck went broody about 29 and a half days ago. She started out with several eggs and now only has three (I guess she must have thinned the rest out as not being good). I expected a hatch yesterday and so far I am not seeing anything... the eggs would be a mix between a Roen and either crested, magpie, or buff. At what point should I check on the eggs by removing them from her? At what point do I lose hope that one will hatch? It’s driving me nuts?!
4 years ago
Will do. She was off this morning for about 4 hours. She did not want more food as I had fed her already so I carried her back to her nest and placed her just outside it. She climbed right back on. So I may start doing that if I notice her off but not looking for food.
4 years ago
It has been around the 50s here or higher when she’s off the nest.. so they should be ok?
4 years ago
I have a broody turkey with 15 eggs. She sits on her nest a lot during the day and all night. But every day she gets off for 3 to 5 hours!!! Are my eggs ok? They get cold obviously.. it’s her first year
4 years ago
Ok so anyone who has chickens (especially free range) knows that gardening where they can reach it generally results in utter destruction and chaos. So this year I am fencing in an area of my yard so that I can garden in peace. However I have ordered TONS of seeds. And I have every intention of sharing my harvests with my birds. But with so many seeds and potential plants, I would like to raise some and put them in an area the chickens CAN reach so that they can forage among them at Will. Any ideas on how to manage this so that the plants are not destroyed in a single day?
5 years ago
Tiny was returned home 😁 the man says she was in front of his fence and he was worried a dog would get her 🤷‍♀️ Not sure if that true or not and it seems unlikely but not impossible. I don’t care anymore now that she’s back and safe. Thanks all!! (She’s the tiny red one)
5 years ago
Here in south west KY. Anyone know what this is??
5 years ago
Also I have no intention of going up and being impolite or anything until I know for sure what the case is gonna be... honest mistakes do happen and can seem off when really all it was was an honest mistake. I do have pictures of her thankfully. Hopefully tomorrow the issue can be resolved peacefully and I can get my dear Tiny back home where she belongs
5 years ago
The bird is most definitely mine.. I realize she’s not the only bourbon red turkey around but I recognize her on sight. She has a limp and some of her feathers are torn up a bit from where she relearned how to use that leg. She’s also smaller than most turkeys her age by far. And I’m absolutely positive she didn’t roam as far out as that. She was not one to stray. She seemed to realize she was not up to par with the other animals and was always inclined to stay near the house. I suppose it’s possible some mistake was made, but truth be told I sincerely doubt it. I raised that bird myself and know her and her habits like I know my own
5 years ago