paul wheaton wrote:This is exactly what I presented on in 2014:
Good stuff!
IMO, Permaculture is spreading slowly, but surely. There are just lots of people out there that don't advertise what they are doing or don't call what they do permaculture (like Paul mentioned). I mean, there are some Horticulture programs that require a credited permaculture class, degrees for small scale regenerative ag, agroforestry degrees, etc. I like to think that these things came about because of permaculture.
As far as creating a unified push, I don't think I'm down for this or at least it wouldn't be worth the effort. When I reflect on my own journey, I went Justin Rhodes videos to Andrew Millison OSU PDC to SoilFoodWeb classes. But there were so many voices in between, Wheaton, Perkins, Lancaster, Worms, Sharashkin, Spackman etc. Oh, and so many podcasts. The diversity is amazing, and each time I've reached out to someone for help, they have been ready to advise no matter how 'big' the name.
At the end of the day, Paul's right. If you feel like more needs to be done, then do more. That's what I keep telling myself.