Sheri Rasko

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since Dec 25, 2018
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Recent posts by Sheri Rasko

Hey you all... Please email me your information and we can chat....
11 months ago
Hi... Would he be interested in being a pen pal to get to know each other?
3 years ago
Thanks Jen
Personal experience helps a lot... I was hoping to get a fodder system this winter but probably not gonna happen. Growing season is just around the corner.. I will be busy with the gardens.. The cows and chickens will have lots of yard to eat..
Thanks again for responding
3 years ago
We still need help on our farm/ homestead/ community... It is not a $ paid position.. It is a family work to eat position.. We have chickens and cows so far.. We are still building infusture for goats ,rabbits, ducks and maybe a pig.. We have pasture started for cows they are in front yard right now.. They are still young.. We are in process of getting a hoop house and building a hugelkulture garden... We have a big row garden and several raised beds..
We need someone who wants to live simple and help us get things done...
Ok well if you are interested my email is
Please let me know what your skills are, who and what you're would bring, what you need for living space, why you want to live on farm, are you religious, and anything else you want to share..
Thanks for reading
3 years ago
I'm iced in (usual for North Alabama) or I would go to town and buy myself 50% off Valentine's flowers and chocolate...
Everyone be safe
3 years ago
Hi... We are in Alabama... Would you be interested in coming here?
You can email me and we can talk.
Have great day
4 years ago
Never come home with less than 1/4 tank of gas... Gas stations aren't open all night or some aren't open on Sundays...
4 years ago
You can send me a email if you want.

Please give me a bio on who you are, what skills you currently have, what skills you want to learn. What your transforming family consists of (spouse, children, pets, mother in laws) and their skills. Let me know if you are 420 friendly, daily drinker, criminal, religious choice, ever live on a farm, just be honest from the get go... We are just down to earth people and want share our land and dreams with a few more people..
4 years ago
We have a farm started its 14 acres. There are 5 people here... We need someone that has strong back and can build things... We have equipment sawmill, tractor, farm truck, 4 wheeler, and tractor equipment.. We have 29 chickens in coops, 2 cows, some dogs and cats.. We have plans to get ducks, turkey,goats pigs and rabbits.. We have some raised beds and a row garden. Plans to put in a hugelkultur garden and forest garden.. We are fencing in some of the back yard and sawmill right now but plan to have rotatable pasture fence started in spring..  We plan to have some produce to sell this year along with filling the freezers to feed us next winter.. I live in a camper and so does another lady and her son.. Mom and brother live in the house.. There is a way to put another camper here or build a cabin to live in.. We need someone 15+ hours a week to exchange for meals and room and board... Send me a message if you think you want to join our intentional community. We want to feed the farm family good real food and then in few years feed a CSA program. We want to have a 4h program for town kids to touch farm animals and grow plants..  We got big dreams just not enough hands to get it done... Ok well I've rambled enough..
Thanks for reading
4 years ago