Carolina Perez

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since Jan 30, 2019
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Hi Michaela,

We are in Arizona and looking for help on our place that could work out for you. If you are interested please email me privately at where I can describe our place and need and see if it would work with your family's needs. Thanks,
If you are providing the bags to sell to them, you can buy them in quantity yourselves through and skip amazon and make money off that effort.  Just have to wait the month for them to ship.
2 years ago
The Way Home: Tales of a Life Without Technology by Mark Boyle.  It's funny how many some preemies can't  live without technology.  Here's a guy doing it in Ireland.   He has lived without money for several years; remember The Moneyless Man from him a couple of years. Still reading this new book, but have found it is thoughtful and worth reflection on how technology is all consuming in many areas of our life and a break allows our soul to breath and live more fully.
3 years ago
Hi Jen, I think we are near you around Concho and working on a similar task. After talking to local farmers, some of the great ideas to help build organic matter and soil was to start with rye grass then grow other ground covers- millet, milo, wheat, red clover, ect. One great tip was to use wild bird feed from the feed store in the large 35-50 lbs bags.  And just keep layering growing season after growing season.  They are growing fantastic organic asparagus and garlic using this method, as well as, beautiful flowers, potatoes, tomatoes,...  We are also going use our chickens and rabbits, ala Joel Salatin to help us along with this method to get our soil going.  We have narrowed the areas we are working on, but its still a lot.  There is someone in Showlow that sells pine needles by the yard and delivers to help with mulching bare ground.  As for buying soil for raised beds, Singh is in the Phoenix valley. I have gotten bad batches of soil from him and have heard the same from others. Since he takes landscaping waste from contractors around the Valley, sometimes he gets contaminated batches.  Around here, I recommend Sweet Corn Nursery in Showlow. I got a recommendation for them from IAS Laboratories in Tempe, AZ that did a soil sample test for me and said they have tested their soil and it was good quality.   They sell a tote for $500. I forget how many yards are in the tote.  I am pleased with the quality so far.  No stund or dead plants.  But they make compost the standard way- mulch, organic matter, and other additives.
I was told that by bringing in clay to mix with the sand, i would be able to make better soil.  But after having to deal with clay and caliche for years in the Phoenix valley, I am hesitant to truck in clay.  I think it just needs organic matter and water and some two legged or four legged animal friends.  Good luck!
3 years ago
The answer is to rub your eyes with hair. Have someone with a ponytail lend you their hair, if you don't have one yourself. Rub your eyes with hair until burning stops. This is tried and true, no special ingredients or oils required other than your own or a loved ones.  We grow some really hot chilies.  It happens.
4 years ago
From some blogger, whom I can't remember, I was inspired to make my own foundation powder.
3 TBS arrowroot powder
1 tsp bentonite clay
1/4 tsp cocoa powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
12 drops rosehip oil
5 drops tea tree oil
5 drops lavender oil
If I want to add sunscreen, I add  1 TBL zinc oxide, 12 drops raspberry seed oil, 12 drops carrot seed oil, 1/8 tsp cocoa.  By adding coconut out, shea butter, vitamin E oil, beeswax, boiled over a water bath and mixed with powder you can liquefy it.  If you need more color,  you add more cocoa or cinnamon.  It is not going to look heavy on your skin.  It won't cover imperfections, it will help to take away shine and provide an even skin tone.  I like it much more than mineral makeup, which looks like caked on yuck on my face, not to mention ages me. This feels and smells much more natural and cleaner and cheaper.  Use what you have and play with it.  My skin is very sensitive to any make up I use on it, but I have never had an adverse reaction to it. Good luck!
5 years ago
There is a product called Zotal that can be used effectively and quickly for flea removal and control. It can be bought on-line.

This past summer I went to vacation in southern Spain at my grandmother's cottage.  Fleas are in the soil. It is not necessarily a moist region. However, my cousin had just moved some dogs he was keeping in an old chicken coop on a terrace next to the house, not kept in the best conditions.  Well on the second day of our vacation we went up to see the "era" as those plots of lands are called and later found out that we were attacked by fleas.  I was totally bitten later to find out I was extremely allergic and had to go urgent care.  However, I was told by the pharmacist and later many other people to use Zotal to take care of the ones in the house without resorting to more harmful chemicals as I had a newborn.  Apparently, fleas were a big problem when people kept their mules, donkey, and horses in corral's next to their homes up until 40 years ago. Zotal was used to get rid of them.  It is still used for that purpose.  Following their instructions in a pail of water you add a capful of Zotal. A little goes a long way.  With gloves, use a rinsed cloth and go over your couches.  Mop all the floors.  With that same mop water wash your areas outside your doors, patios, basements...with a broom. Fleas stay away.  You can even sprinkle/shower the water over things. Stay away for four hours at least.  Fleas inside dead. ,
My cousin fumigated the "era" two times while we were there.  My husband spread DE the last week we were there and as he was coming down from the era covered in DE, he was also covered in fleas. He stripped out in the street and ran to the shower, but he still reintroducd them inside the house.  I cleaned the house and the linens three times over our month long vacation, and I could tell by the dead fleas on the floor that the Zotal was the best thing for the house and my sanity.  DE is great. We use it at home for our chickens, rabbits, and home, but sometimes you need something that works right now, especially when you are severely allergic, have kids, and a new baby.

My grandparents used Zotal successfully. Interestingly, they also used native tortoises in their stalls to control fleas. Apparently tortoises love to eat the buggers.  Also fleas flare up in conditions were there is lots of manure, so keep your animals beds clean and poop free. Fleas are not minor problem.  
6 years ago