I'm also a clinical case with Poison Ivy-- cortisone shots don't kick it back, a dime-sized contact will yield an entire leg covered in oozing blisters that urgent care doctors are surprised its poison ivy and not a chemical burn. Where I moved last year is covered in it so I've been doing a number of things that have been working for the most part, so I'll share here: The miracle breakthroughs for me were the Cilantro Juice and Quercetin, for me, Rhus tox alone never really helped much, if at all.
* Cilantro juice -- take a handful of cilantro in a blender with a cup of water, then drink it. Itf you've got active rash, strain the juice and put the cilantro mush on the rash as a poultice and drink the juice. If I'm active outside I drink 1 cup per day, if I get a rash I go up to 3-4 cups a day.
* Quercetin with Bromelain capsules -- I take 2 about 3 times a day, this brings down allergic reactions overall without drowsy symptoms or any side effects that I know of.
* Rhus tox, 30cc, 3-4 drops below tongue before and after going out during warm months and whenever I remember
Diet (what I've personally found) -- No coffee, no chocolate, no fatty foods, limit meat intake -- increase leafy greens, increase oats, nourish parasympathetic nervous system so healing can happen, if you stay in sympathetic fight or flight stress mode the body struggles to heal and is overly
And like everyone else here suggests -- thorough washing after contact with soap -- use cold water so you're pores don't dilate with hot water and bring the Urushiol in deeper.
Seems for me to be simply a symptom of overall systemic overload of toxins due to poor digestion of experiences, emotions and foods that aren't as apparent in other bodily manifestations.