Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Nicole Victoria

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since Jun 14, 2019
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Recent posts by Nicole Victoria

Jocelyn Campbell wrote:Thought I'd share two posts I've gathered about hard-boiled eggs. Plus, tis spring (in the N. Hemi), and Earth Day!

This one surprised me, and also explains why/how hard-boiled eggs are so hard to peel:

In addition to the poke a hole tip, now I know why some cooks put cold eggs into hot water, which I didn't like doing because some eggs will crack from that.

If you've tried the poke a hole tip, let me know! I hope to try it this weekend.

Then, oh my, this woman **always** takes things next level! How gorgeous are these? Foraged flowers, flavored salts, powdered greens, and homemade pickles on top of whites dyed blue (by red cabbage) and nettles in the deviled yolks. Talk about color!!

Thank you for sharing, I absolutely love deviled eggs. I would have never thought to mix nettles in, I am going to try making my own version, yum!
3 years ago
The insta-pot is good for broths and slow-stewed meats but that’s about all we’ve used it for. I’m not a huge fan of the way the meat all has a similar texture, it’s pull apart, slow cooked for sure in the insta-pot. I know you can make yogurt and there’s a bunch of other settings on it, but haven’t bothered with them. It’s worth for the speediness of broth.
3 years ago
I love the earthy taste of beets, perhaps try them pickled? I find they are much less ‘earthy’ tasting pickled.
4 years ago
Was recently given some frozen halibut, we thawed it and made some fish and chips. Fried, not-so-good for you but it sure is delicious!

I’ve also been making a lot of Salisbury steak but made with elk, with a mushroom and onion gravy. So good.
4 years ago
Interesting! I’m in Canada on the West Coast and the closest co-op to me is a gas-station- I haven’t really looked into where the closest co-op grocery store is. It definitely has me thinking.
5 years ago
I have a ton of mason jars and just recently got some pump cover things so that they can be used to dispense soap, pretty handy. Other than that they get used as water glasses and of course for canning. Some good tips in here for them!
5 years ago
Nettle and mint! My go-to tea!  The nutrient packed Nettle with the cool mint, classic 😁
5 years ago