tova tovale

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since Jul 12, 2020
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Recent posts by tova tovale

hello all!
my name is tova.
im preparing to move abroad but seeking a home care attendant groundskeeper for less than an 1 acre.  Mostly indoor herb garden.  private bedroom 2 bathrooms.  must have care and childhood vaccinations records ( for agency employment )
I will not have access to your job application process because it is run by my health insurance.  not hard work at all

thank you for your time 🦋🕊️
2 months ago
Hello all!
My name is Tova. I live in upstate New York by the Adirondacks. I am seeking a man 20s - 60s that has a martial arts and or a firearms safety certification with backyard gardening experience and indoor growing skills.  No children. Indoor pets allowed. He must be available for 3 months or longer and have no physical disability or limitations. Must have a drivers license an American Social Security number and the ability to locate childhood immunization records. Non-vaccinated for Covid preferred. This is an anti-VAX home however the agency that does the hiring requires childhood immunization records to be issued upon employment request.  I usually recommend asking your mom, contacting your high school or college.  for the employment process I myself would not have access to your personal information because the certified agency does the paperwork.  it is considered an on the box job with a salary of $3600 a month including gas purchase deductions / incentives.

thank you for your time 🦋
2 months ago
seeking homestead single man that can use a helper / home up keep for the summer maybe longer.  someone protective and non smoking (cigs)
8 months ago
hii all!    seeking a replacement for one male groundskeeper. tend to plants. live in a modern ranch style 1 bedroom with large kitchen and separate dining room full bathroom with bathtub.  
8 months ago
short and sweet.   i want to be immersed helping
8 months ago
hi,  i will take this into consideration.  i'm single for over 10 years so i'm staying put until i have more clarity.  i'm at a point where i desire to live away from big cities very reclusively but in a well built home.   i'm learning from the building biology institute and information is overwhelming at times.  seeking a partner that shares similar goals. might take a while  costa rica or no costa rica.
4 years ago