Mirey Lopez

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since Jan 24, 2021
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Hi folks
I've have a banana dilemma for the last 6 months with more than 1 year observation. We live in Perth Australia, analogous climate would be Mediterranean, Arizona, Sacramento.

Location options:

Option 1: zone 1, next to west facing garage wall on top level of retaining wall terrace.
Pros: sheltered from wind, extra warmth in winter, access to garage rainwater and existing bore water irrigation in terraces. Cons: need to remove some native spp that provide winter good for birds and bees, need to build a raised bed because terrace bottom is hard clay, aesthetics? Previous owner built terraces out of boulders packed with sand and clay planted with flowering native species. Not sure nutrient downward flow would benefit other terraces, likely to go percolate straight down.

Option 2: zone 1, planted in 1.8 my wide path between veggie garden and orchard.
Pros: in existing intensive cultivated area, capture nutrients from uphill veggie garden and excess flowing downhill to orchard, can link into veggie irrigation.
Cons: increase in microclimate humidity and encourage fungal desease in orchard trees (stone fruit), shade over veggies, cut off pedestrian and machinery access between driveway and paddocks.

Option 3: Zone 3 sheltered ignore area next to dam.
Pros: sheltered, more humid, access to water.
Cons: no infrastructure need to set up everything, surrounded by eucalyptus behind grove high competition for nutrients and water, far to take compost with a 2 year old in tow.

Hoping for some advice 🙂
Thank you!
4 years ago