Ell Bee

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since Jan 31, 2021
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Recent posts by Ell Bee

Phoebe, did you make it to Maine? What part of the state are you looking at?
8 months ago
I’m glad to see this thread is still alive - and the kitties too! I thought I had lost my cat, trying to rack my brain for a chance he may have slipped out the door (the night is dark and full of terrors!)…but I found him beneath the woodstove. I felt the bottom (cautiously) and while it was warm, it didn’t burn me. Still, I worry for him. I’m considering wrapping chicken wire around the legs of the woodstove to keep him out, but it’s also nice that he found a comfortable spot.

I guess he is smart enough, because when I open the door to load wood, he removes himself (and ever so adorably plops on the cold tile floor to cool off).

But, y’know, safety first!
1 year ago
Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes and your kind advice! I’ll do some investigating on the Walker stoves! And it looks like your site covers the equipment, Thomas!
4 years ago
Hi fellow permies,

I know rocket stoves are super effective, take up very little space, and are probably less expensive. I have also been looking at some really nifty antique wood stove-ovens (the big heavy cast iron ones that probably take too many people to lift), and my internal debate is going nowhere, so here I am asking you all: what’s the best course of action?

To be clear, I want the capability to utilize one piece of equipment for heating, stovetop, and oven cooking. Indoors, so it must be vented. Has anyone built a rocket stove that can do all of that? I can kind of imagine a cob rocket stove with a pizza oven atop the flue. Am I far off?
4 years ago
Long time lurker, and I decided it’s finally time to interact! I love reading about everyone’s experiences and ideas, and I wonder if there is a likeminded group of permies in my neighborhood where I can actually witness the efforts and results, so I know what I’m getting into.

I am in the very beginning stages: I plan to find a piece of land, and build a little piece of paradise for myself. To be quite honest, I’m overwhelmed with the getting started part. While my goal is to eliminate (or at least severely reduce) bills, I wonder about the reality of self-suffiency: Will I need to entirely change my lifestyle to disclude internet?! How do you all incorporate your internet? Does your off grid electricity handle your device(s)?

4 years ago