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Ryan Holliday

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since Aug 18, 2021
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I’ll second what JT Lamb said and recommend a livestock guardian dog. If a dog is feasible for you, a LGD will eliminate any deer damage. They’ll also keep out other predators (raccoons, skunks, etc - hugely valuable if you have poultry).

The downside to LGDs - or at least, to Great Pyrenees, the only breed I have experience with - is that they like to wander and you’ll have to take some steps to prevent that. Mine tended to go on walkabout, but eventually we topped the fence with an electric wire and since then they’ve been perfectly content to stay on the right side of it.

My property has a pretty large deer population. In fact, I provide mineral/salt licks for the deer to encourage them because I also hunt here. But there’s never so much as a bite out of the garden.
You can definitely use it! I use firewood bark regularly. Loose bark, logs that are a little too long to fit in my stove, branches, leaves, basically any firewood scrap ends up in the garden eventually.
2 years ago
Does anyone have experience with quarrying on a small scale? Is it even feasible?

I like rock as a building material and it’s a little scarce for me (without going out and buying it, anyway).

Right now, I’m collecting rocks that turn up when I’m working in the soil for other projects.

But I live in an area with limestone bedrock and I’m curious how feasible it would be for me to attempt to quarry rock directly.

It also seems like a small quarry would be perfect to repurpose into a deep pond after I’ve gotten the rock I’m after.

Insane idea? Doable? Google hasn’t been real helpful so far.
2 years ago