Karen Bertoldi

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since Jan 24, 2023
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Recent posts by Karen Bertoldi

My all-time favorite tea is green tea...hot or cold. I also enjoy hot Chaga tea, and like all the herbal teas alone or mixed together hot or cold. Only thing I will add to certain teas is local organic raw honey. I do wander my 16 wooded acres to forage some of my roots, leaves, berries, and flowers for tea.
1 year ago
Howdy y'all!!! I bought an electric bicycle and a trailer for it. I mainly ride it to town and back for shopping or hauling laundry to the laundromat. In this pic, I rode it a total of 28 miles to my nearest Walmart and boy did I have a full heavy load on the trip home. My battery was about ready to die cause my road is a long uphill 1.1 mile to my driveway but, I made. I used to ride my old mountain bike all over town back where I am from since it was mostly flat roads. Here in Maine, it is a whole nother thing. I always struggled with hills but I had to stop riding it for 10 yrs till I bought this one in 2021. Now I am back to happily riding it . 😊
2 years ago