Hey! I just left Charlotte (485 and Brookshire) but only moved out to Oakboro!
Recognize that this is an age-ing thread, but to echo Dee's sentiments above, I left CLT officially at the outset of the Corona-mania, at which point I already had all my 'stuff' in warehouse/storeage. I was formerly of several areas, of the suburban/urban types, and had my last place just South of downtown off West Blvd.
I was into the eco-conscious thing then and working with biodegradable foodservice disposables and composting and vegetarian/vegan lifestyle and biodiesel. Side note is towards the end of my N-C days I was going to Oakboro Oil for biodiesel that they brought in from some mid-Western state by train-car. Went Westward, myself, and have been gone for several years now. No plans to return although I do have an N-C family that I should visit from time-to-time.
Using this thread as my official 'introduction' to the Permies site; hopefully, Monica, the OP is okay with this! Even though I was in CLT since the mid-90s, I cannot say that I knew those in the permaculture crowd, though I frequented similar social circles with the work and activism I was doing relating to environmental issues and the like.
I have to put a picture at the end of this message in case someone on the forums wants to see (multiple) pictures featuring myself and various music gear. Totally understand that if you happen to be reading this it may not be your thing or of any interest to you.
Though, if you want to hear any sounds I was involved with - in my past musical lives - feel free to 'sing me' a purple-ish moo and/or bring some of your own sonic tales to this guy's attention. Sing-ing off...