heidi ledet

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since Nov 12, 2023
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Recent posts by heidi ledet

I am interested to know how far you’ve hotten since your last post.  We are elders who started our own food forest about seven years ago and we are interested now in joining an eco village.  We live in the catskills now and would like to stay in this area.

Looking forward to your reply.


1 year ago
Last year, like much of ulster county, I noticed the incredibly fast growth of jumping worms in my food forest. I spent so mich time and energy, using a powdered mustard solution to bring them to the top and hand picking them
out.  It took me days in one garden and I have an acre sized food forest. I dont know what to do
this year. Im not sure my compost bins are not affected as well.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
1 year ago