Phil Johnston

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since Apr 22, 2024
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Thanks for the info! That's the general process I had in mind. Hopefully it's a project we can handle and I have some fun updates to share later
9 months ago
Thank you! It's relatively flat but has a bunch of rocks that have come down the mountain, some spots where the road is totally washed out. Will definitely find a local company to talk to. If we're in the <10k range with a bunch of sweat equity, I think it's still feasible.

9 months ago
Hey wondering if you had any updates? I'm looking at a piece of land outside Pahrump. It's dirt/rock off the highway, with about a mile of road that need to be updated, looks like it hasnt been touched in years. It's at the base of a mountain so some wash to deal with. I'm trying to get a general idea of how expensive it is to build a simple road out here that you dont need an off-roader to get by.
9 months ago