Sheila Sheffield

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since Apr 23, 2024
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Hi, I work at Sheffield's Seed and think I can address some of these issues:
Firstly, seeds do  no undergo any radiation in transport from other countries. We have strick laws in the US
about importing seed, especially tree seed. All species require an authenticity certificate from the country
they export, and are checked by USDA on arrival in the US before they are shipped on to us in NY.

Following the growing instructions: Germinating some seeds is not easy, that is why specialists
usually are involved when you look at buying from a landscaper or nursery. On the order page you
will see everything you need to know about the origin of the seed.  Will it grow in your zone, how long
does scarification or stratification required, some are very comlicated and some take a long time
and effort for germination. If  you followed the instructions and still don't get germination please contact us
, we will grow the seed ourselves or contact other customers who purchased that seed lot to see what their
experience is. We would definitley refund anyone who is not happy after all the pages are turned.

We deal with many countries and many government agencies in offering our seed, and most have
really great success. We do source some seed for customers and offer some rare species which many
customers come to us for year after year. I hope this helped and feel free to reach out because we do
have a seed specialist who is on hand daily to help with any issues. If you are new to seed germination
be patient with yourself there is a learning curve. Regards,
9 months ago